87 research outputs found

    Multi-core software architecture for the scalable HEVC decoder

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    International audienceThe scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) standard aims to provide features of temporal, spatial and quality scalability. In this paper we investigate a pipeline and parallel software architecture for the SHVC decoder. The proposed architecture is based on the OpenHEVC software which implements the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) decoder. The architecture of the SHVC decoder enables two levels of parallelism. The first level decodes the base layer and the enhancement layers in parallel. The second level of parallelism performs the decoding of both the base layer and enhancement layers in parallel through the HEVC high level parallel processing solutions, including tile and wavefront. Up to the best of our knowledge, it is the first real time and parallel software implementation of the SHVC decoder. On an Intel Xeon processor running at 3.2 GHz, the SHVC decoder reaches the decoding of 1600p enhancement layer at 40 fps for x1.5 spatial scalability with using six concurent threads

    Quality constraint and rate-distortion optimization for predictive image coders

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    International audienceNext generations of image and video coding methods should of course be efficient in terms of compression, but also propose advanced functionalities. Among these functionalities such as scalability, lossy and lossless coding, data protection, Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) and Rate Control (RC) are key issues. RDO aims at optimizing compression performances, while RC mechanism enables to exactly compress at a given rate. A less common functionality than RC, but certainly more helpful, is Quality Control (QC): the constraint is here given by the quality. In this paper, we introduce a joint solution for RDO and QC applied to a still image codec called Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR), providing scalability both in resolution and SNR and based on a multi-resolution structure. The technique does not require any additional encoding pass. It relies on a modeling and estimation of the prediction errors obtained in an early work. First, quality constraint is applied and propagated through the whole resolution levels called pyramid. Then, the quantization parameters are deduced considering inter and intra pyramid level relationships. Results show that performances of the proposed method are very close to an exhaustive search solution

    Parallel SHVC decoder: Implementation and analysis

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    International audienceThe new Scalable High efficiency Video Coding (SHVC) standard is based on a multi-loop coding structure which requires the total decoding of all intermediate layers. The decoding complexity becomes then a real issue, especially for a real time decoding of ultra high video resolutions. A parallel processing architecture is proposed to reduce both the decoding time and the latency of the SHVC decoder. The proposed solution combines the high level parallel processing solutions defined in the HEVC standard with an extension of the frame-based parallelism. The latter solution enables the decoding of several spatial and temporal SHVC frames in parallel to enhance both decoding frame rate and latency. The wavefront parallel processing solution is used for more coarse level of granularity. The proposed hybrid parallel processing approach achieves a near optimal speedup and provides a good trade-off between decoding time, latency and memory usage. On a 6 cores Xeon processor, the parallel SHVC decoder performs a real time decoding of 1600p60 video resolution

    Implantation d'un algorithme de décomposition d'image sur une architecture multi-DSP à l'aide de SynDEx

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    L'objet de ce papier est de présenter les résultats de l'implantation d'un algorithme de décomposition d'image par des opérateurs morphologiques sur une architecture à base de processeurs TMS320C40 en utilisant l'environnement d'aide à l'implantation SynDEx. Ce dernier repose sur la méthodologie d'Adéquation Algorithme Architecture dont le but est de définir une implémentation optimisée de l'algorithme sur une architecture parallÚle

    One Pass Quality Control and Low Complexity RDO in A Quadtree Based Scalable Image Coder

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    International audienceThis paper presents a joint quality control (QC) and rate distortion optimization (RDO) algorithm applied to a still image codec called Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR). LAR supports scalability in resolution for both lossy and lossless coding and has low complexity. This algorithm is based on the study of the relationship between compression efficiency and relative parameters. The RDO model is proposed firstly to find suitable parameters. Relying on this optimization, relationships between the distortion of reconstructed image and quantization parameter can be described with a new linear model. This model is used for parametric configuration to control compression distortion. Experimental results show that this algorithm provides an effective solution for an efficient one pass codec with automatic parameters selection and accurate QC. This algorithm could be extended to codecs with similar functions, such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)


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    International audienceThis paper proposes a quantization parameter estimation algorithm for HEVC CTU rate control. Several methods were proposed, mostly based on Lagrangian optimization combined with Laplacian distribution for transformed coeffi-cients. These methods are accurate but increase the encoder complexity. This paper provides an innovative reduced com-plexity algorithm based on a ρ-domain rate model. Indeed, for each CTU, the algorithm predicts encoding parameters based on co-located CTU. By combining it with Laplacian distri-bution for transformed coefficients, we obtain the dead-zone boundary for quantization and the related quantization pa-rameter. Experiments in the HEVC HM Reference Software show a good accuracy with only a 3% average bitrate error and no PSNR deterioration for random-access configuration

    Généralisation du JPEG standard à travers la méthode LAR (Locally Adaptive Resolution)

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    Cet article prĂ©sente un nouveau schĂ©ma de codage pour les images fixes, combinant Ă  la fois un codeur spatial, et un codeur spectral. Le premier est basĂ© sur une nouvelle forme de sous-Ă©chantillonnage non uniforme simple, adaptant la rĂ©solution locale Ă  l'activitĂ© dans l'image, et ayant pour effet d'Ă©liminer la texture locale. Il peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© seul pour atteindre de fort taux de compression. Afin d'amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ©, l'image d'erreur peut ĂȘtre transmise Ă  travers un second dĂ©codeur basĂ© JPEG, mais pour lequel la taille des blocs est variable, et fournie par le premier codeur

    4K real time video streaming with SHVC decoder and GPAC player

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first 4Kp30 end-to-end video streaming demonstration based on the upcoming Scalable High efficiency Video Coding (SHVC) standard. The optimized and parallel SHVC decoder is used under the GPAC player to decode and display in real time the received SHVC layers. The SHVC reference software model (SHM) is used to encode the 4K original video in two spatial scalability layers: the base layer at 1080p resolution and the enhancement layer at 2160p resolution. The SHVC bitstream is encapsulated with the GPAC multimedia library into MP4 file format. The GPAC player at the server side broadcasts the MP4 content in MPEG-2 TS. At the client side, the GPAC player receives the SHVC video packets which are decoded by the SHVC decoder and then rendered in real time by the player. The GPAC player provides an interactive interface enabling to switch between displaying the base and the enhancement layers


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    International audienceNew 3D applications such as 3DTV and FVV require not only a large amount of data, but also high-quality visual rendering. Based on one or several depth maps, intermediate views can be synthesized using a depth image-based rendering technique. Many compression schemes have been proposed for texture-plus-depth data, but the exploitation of the correlation between the two representations in enhancing compression performances is still an open research issue. In this paper, we present a novel compression scheme that aims at improving the depth coding using a joint depth/texture coding scheme. This method is an extension of the LAR (Locally Adaptive Resolution) codec, initially designed for 2D images. The LAR coding framework provides a lot of functionalities such as lossy/lossless compression, low complexity, resolution and quality scalability and quality control. Experimental results address both lossless and lossy compression aspects, considering some state of the art techniques in the two domains (JPEGLS, JPEGXR). Subjective results on the intermediate view synthesis after depth map coding show that the proposed method significantly improves the visual quality
